The targeted consultation on cross-border parcel delivery will run until 30 September 2020.

The aim of the consultation is to gather respondents’ views on the application of Regulation (EU) 2018/644 on cross border parcel delivery services. The Regulation is aimed at enhancing regulatory oversight and transparency in the parcel delivery sector, in particular by enhancing transparency of public list tariffs for certain parcel delivery services and by providing for the assessment of certain cross-border parcel delivery tariffs.

The feedback received from stakeholders will feed into a report on the application of the Regulation which will be published by the European Commission. The report will also, amongst others, assess the Regulation’s contribution to the improvement of cross-border parcel delivery services and its impact on e-commerce.

The targeted consultation is addressed to parcel delivery service providers, consumers and retailers, as well as their associations, and the social partners.

It can be accessed here.

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