In 2012 BIPT had an analysis carried out of the universal service in the electronic communications market.

Based on that analysis BIPT formulated a proposal regarding the bitrate for functional Internet access and gave an opinion about the price and quality requirements of the universal service.

BIPT proposes to set the bitrate for functional Internet access at a minimum of 1 Mbps every day of the year, at all hours of the day, except during a maximum period of one hour a day.

The proposal is based on Articles 70, § 1, 2°, c), of the Act of 13 June 2005 on electronic communications and 16, subsection two, of the annex to the Act. The opinion is based on Article 14, § 1, 1° of the Act of 17 January 2003 on the status of the regulator of the Belgian postal and telecommunications sectors. A public consultation was held from 4 December to 20 December 2013.

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