The DSA aims to establish a safe and reliable environment for users of digital services across Europe.
It is a key European legislative instrument that establishes harmonised rules to protect consumers in the digital world, guaranteeing the fundamental rights of individuals.
These rules contribute to the proper functioning of the single digital market and will strengthen the digital sovereignty of Europe and its member states in this area.
With the designation of the four competent authorities, Belgium is ready to enforce the DSA in our country.
This document is not available in your language. However, you can consult it in the following language: (DE, FR, NL)
- DE: Download document "Digital Services Act (Gesetz über digitale Dienste, DSA): Belgien hat seine vier zuständigen Behörden für die Durchsetzung der Bestimmungen der europäischen Verordnung benannt"
- FR: Download document "Digital Services Act : la Belgique a désigné ses quatre autorités compétentes pour faire appliquer les dispositions du règlement européen"
- NL: Download document "Digital Services Act: België heeft zijn vier bevoegde autoriteiten aangeduid om de bepalingen van de Europese verordening te handhaven"