• Significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Belgian postal market in 2020

    Publications › Press release -
    Significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Belgian postal market in 2020
  • Communication of 26 October 2021 regarding the Belgian postal services observatory for 2020

    Publications › Communication -
    Communication of 26 October 2021 regarding the Belgian postal services observatory for 2020
  • The BIPT determines the course for Wi-Fi 6E

    Publications › Press release -
    The BIPT determines the course for Wi-Fi 6E
  • The BIPT approves bpost's tariff increases for 2022

    Publications › Press release -
    The BIPT approves bpost's tariff increases for 2022
  • The BIPT publishes the results of its annual survey about the consumer’s perception of the electronic communications market (2021)

    Publications › Press release -
    The BIPT publishes the results of its annual survey about the consumer’s perception of the electronic communications market (2021)
  • Inquiry about the users’ perception of the Belgian electronic communications market (2021)

    Publications › Survey -
    Inquiry about the users’ perception of the Belgian electronic communications market (2021)
  • The BIPT and the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium raise once again the alarm against a massive wave of smishing messages after fake text messages

    Publications › Press release -
    The BIPT and the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium raise once again the alarm against a massive wave of smishing messages after fake text messages
  • FAQ

    There are several examination levels, from beginner to advanced.

    • For beginners: 

    Examination C (basic operator certificate) consists of 30 multiple choice questions on the subject matters covered by the manual. 
    A correct answer scores 1 point; a wrong answer or a lack of answer scores 0 point. To pass the exam one has to score 80%. 
    No exemptions are granted on the subject matters.
    To take this exam, you must hold a certificate confirming that you passed a practical test organised by a radio amateur association recognised by the IBPT.

    • For novices: 

    Examination B (novice operator certificate) consists of 38 multiple choice questions on the subject matters covered by the manual (20 questions on the technical aspects, 10 questions on the legislation and 8 questions on the procedures).
    A correct answer scores 1 point; a wrong or a lack of answer scores 0 point. To pass the exam one has to score at least 50% for each component. 
    No exemptions are granted on subject matters.

    • For experts: 

    Examination A (HAREC operator certificate) consists of 48 multiple choice questions on the subject matters covered by the manual (30 questions on the technical aspects, 10 questions on the legislation and 8 questions on the procedures).
    A correct answer scores 1 point; a wrong or a lack of answer scores 0 point. To pass the exam one has to score at least 50% for each component. 
    No exemptions are granted on subject matters.

  • FAQ

    Access to the examination room is only granted upon presentation of your ID card.

    • The VHF examination consists of 20 multiple choice questions about the subject matter covered by the preparation manual for the examination to obtain the radiotelephone operator’s restricted certificate. To pass the exam one has to score 60%. No exemptions are granted on the subject matter.
      If you wish a printed version of the VHF manual, please transfer €5 on the account IBAN BE68 6791 7078 16 34 (BIC: PCHQBEBB) with the communication “VHF Manual” and send a copy of the proof of payment per e-mail to maritime@ibpt.be.
    • The SRC examination consists of 33 multiple choice questions (23 SRC and 10 VHF) about the subject matters covered by the examination programme. To pass the exam one has to score 60% for each subject matter. No exemptions are granted on subject matters.

  • FAQ

    Send an e-mail to examen@ibpt.be with your last name, first name, postal details (address), your phone number and a copy of both sides of your ID card.

    If you wish to take a level C exam, please enclose the certificate of achievement of a practical test organised by a recognised association.

    Our department will contact you to propose examination dates.

    Please note that you must be at least 12 years old to take an exam.

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