In light of the current general directives, the BIPT wishes to clarify how it deals with a complaint submitted to the BIPT regarding the roll-out of telecom infrastructure on private properties by virtue of Article 99 of the Act of 1991 on the reform of certain economic public companies.

For the roll-out of his network, an operator is entitled to use, among other things, the façades that give out onto the public road. Prior to carrying out such works on private property, the operator has to try to obtain an ‘agreement’ with the owner in question. In this document the BIPT explains what is understood by ‘agreement’.

In case of complaints, the BIPT will - as a general rule - in the first place verify whether an informal solution can be agreed upon in order to come to a result that is acceptable to both parties as swiftly and efficiently as possible. 

If no agreement is reached, formal proceedings can be initiated during which the operator involved informs the owner by registered item, of the works planned following which the owner has 8 days to submit a well-argued objection to the BIPT. 

This document describes the next steps taken by the BIPT.

Well-argumented objections can be submitted by e-mail to the address: or by registered mail addressed to the BIPT's general address. 

More information on the installation of optical fibre can be found on the following website:


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