No, the radio station can only be used to convey information on technical research and related subjects in plain language. It is thus forbidden to tell your life story or to use encrypted or coded messages. However, after authorisation of the Institute, the holder of an authorisation for an automated station or for a remote-controlled station can use encrypted messages for the management of his/her station.

    In case of exercises organised by a Belgian emergency service, the holder of an operator’s certificate of the 5th category can, with prior approval of the Institute, communicate on subjects related to these exercises.

    Upon request from the relevant authorities responsible for crisis management, the holder of a 5th category certificate can help Belgian emergency services by deploying his/her 5th category stations in order to compensate for the failure of electronic communications. In this context only, the radio amateur can: transmit encrypted or coded messages, use any station of the 5th category, with the approval of the holder of the authorisation of the station concerned; and communicate regarding subjects related to the activities of the emergency services.

  • FAQ

    Yes, provided that the applicant holds a class A certificate and that the station is operated from the Belgian territory.

  • FAQ

    The following associations have been recognised by BIPT:

    • the UBA (Royal Belgian Amateur Radio Union),
    • the VRA (Vlaamse Radio Amateurs),
    • and the UFRC (Union Francophone des Radios Clubs).

    For more information about the dates and locations of the next training sessions, please contact the association of your choice.

  • FAQ

    Congratulations! You were given a form at the end of your exam. Your first operator’s certificate is included in the price of the exam.

    Now, you will have to choose a call sign.

    If you have your own equipment, you will also need a station authorisation for it.

    Attention: you must first have your operator’s certificate and/or authorisation before being allowed to emit and/or possess radio equipment.

  • The BIPT suggests a temporary solution allowing the introduction of 5G and ensuring the continuity of 2G and 3G rights

    Publications › Press release -
    In order to allow an initial roll-out of 5G in Belgium and to ensure the continuity of the service provision for current 2G and 3G licence holders, the BIPT proposes different solutions
  • BIPT imposes a fine on Telenet and Proximus for non-compliance with the rules on the identification of prepaid users

    Publications › Press release -
    In its decisions of 14 January 2020, BIPT imposed a € 150,000 fine on Proximus and a € 88,782 fine on Telenet for non-compliance with the regulation regarding the prior identification of end-users of prepaid cards
  • Comparative study on the price level of telecom products in Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom [Tariffs of August 2019]

    Publications › Survey -
    The BIPT has examined the price level of telecom products in a group of five countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Germany and the United Kingdom).
  • The BIPT is publishing its international comparative price study for 2019

    Publications › Press release -
    The study published by the BIPT on its website today reveals varying results for the comparison of the residential prices for telecom products in Belgium with its neighbouring countries
  • BIPT updates its network quality data

    Publications › Press release -
    BIPT has updated its website bipt-data.bewith recent data on the quality of Belgian telecommunications networks
  • BIPT continues to regulate high-quality connectivity

    Publications › Press release -
    BIPT confirms that Proximus still occupies a dominant position on this market. Several measures have been imposed upon Proximus to foster competition, so that companies can derive benefits in terms of choice, price and quality.
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