• BIPT looks "Beyond"

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    Speakers from the postal and telecom sectors explained their vision of the evolution of innovation in these sectors.
  • Mobile Internet : find out the advantages & your profile on www.surfmobile.be

    Publications › Press release -
    Minister Alexander De Croo, BIPT and the SPF Economy launch a campaign to promote mobile Internet in Belgium Brussels, 18 June 2015 – As a consumer, how do you use mobile Internet while avoiding unpleasant surprises? This question is central to the campaign of BIPT (Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications) and the SPF Economy, launched today by Vice-premier and Minister of Digital Agenda and Telecom Alexander De Croo. A key element of the campaign is www.surfmobile.be, a website where, as a consumer, you can, among other things discover which mobile data profile suits you.
  • BIPT publishes a comparison of the cheapest telecom tariffs on the Belgian residential market - 2015

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    BIPT publishes a comparison of the cheapest telecom tariffs on the Belgian residential market - 2015
  • National benchmarking of the telecommunications services rates in Belgium [Rates applied on 09 February 2015]

    Publications › Communication -
    For the third consecutive year, BIPT publishes a national price comparison. In total, no less than 252 tariff plans of the Belgian residential market have been analysed in order to enable consumers to compare telecommunications products available on the Belgian residential market in full transparency through 20 pre-established consumer profiles. This year, the study makes it possible to consider the results with and without the effect of promotions. The services analysed are fixed telephony, (prepaid and postpaid) mobile telephony, fixed Internet and fixed triple play.
  • BIPT advances propositions to render more smoothly the process of changing fixed telecom operators

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    To render the process of changing ofixed telecom perators more smoothly, BIPT identified the obstacles consumers may encounter and lists a series of suggestions to facilitate the process.
  • Volume discounts as applied by bpost deemed non-discriminating by the European Court of Justice

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    Volume discounts applied by bpost were non-discriminating according to the European Court of Justice
  • Belgian telecom prices average compared to neighbouring countries

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    Benchmark study of the prices for telecom products in Belgium and our neighbouring countries
  • New tariffs to boost competition on the market for internet and television

    Publications › Press release -
    BIPT (the regulator for the electronic communications sector in Belgium) adopted a decision laying down certain tariffs that Belgacom may invoice to operators wishing to provide Internet and television services through Belgacom's network.
  • BIPT publishes the economic key figures of the postal sector

    Publications › Press release -
    In its observatory, BIPT publishes the economic key figures of the postal sector for 2013. They reveal a surprising trend: in spite of a decrease of the volumes and revenue in 2013, investments in the postal sector have increased. Bpost has raised the letter post tariffs by 2.6% and has consolidated its market share in the competitive parcel and express mail segment.
  • Decision of the BIPT Council of 16 October 2014 on the use of a special prefix for all radio amateurs on the occasion of the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the First World War

    Publications › Decision -
    Like all radio transmitting stations that apply for a licence to BIPT, amateur radio stations receive, along with their licence, a call sign to identify themselves on the waves. This call sign takes the form “ON” followed by a digit and two or three letters. For special events, the recognised radio amateur associations can ask, for all the Belgian radio amateurs, a licence to use a prefix other than ON. This prefix must be chosen among those assigned to Belgium, i.e. between ON and OT. To commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the 1st World War, the UBA (Belgian Amateur Radio Society) asks that all radio amateurs can use the OP prefix (P for Poppies) during the month of November, from 2014 to 2018. The duration of this licence is limited in time so that special prefixes stay attractive.
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