This decision sets out the radio interfaces related to wireless microphones, outside broadcast links, DECT equipment, satellite earth stations and remote controls of professional drones.
Radio interfaces determine the technical characteristics that equipment must meet, as well as the frequency bands on which this equipment can operate.
This document is not available in your language. However, you can consult it in the following language: (FR, NL)
- FR: Download document "Décision du 19 décembre 2023 concernant les interfaces radio relatives aux microphones sans fil, aux liaisons de reportages, aux équipements DECT, aux stations terriennes de satellites et aux télécommandes de drones professionnels"
- NL: Download document "Besluit van 19 december 2023 inzake de radio-interfaces inzake de draadloze microfoons, reportageverbindingen, DECTapparatuur, satellietgrondstations en professionele drone-afstandsbedieningen"