• Economic situation of the telecoms sector 2019

    Publications › Statistics -
    Economic situation of the telecoms sector 2019
  • Consultation regarding the rules on the stations and call signs of radio amateurs

    Publications › Consultation -
    Consultation on a draft BIPT Council decision regarding the rules on the stations and call signs of radio amateurs
  • Consultation regarding the tests and examinations for radio amateurs

    Publications › Consultation -
    Consultation on a draft BIPT Council decision regarding the tests and examinations for radio amateurs
  • The economic statistical report of BIPT shows once again a sharp increase in mobile data consumption

    Publications › Press release -
    The economic statistical report of BIPT shows once again a sharp increase in mobile data consumption
  • New tariffs for access to the cable networks

    Publications › Press release -
    Brussels, 27 May 2020 – Today, the CRC (the Conference of regulators in the electronic communications sector, i.e. the BIPT, the CSA, the Medienrat and the VRM) publishes its decisions regarding the wholesale tariffs for access to the cable networks of Telenet, Brutélé and Voo SA. These decisions enable wholesale cable access for alternative operators at fair prices, creating possibilities for competition on the retail market to the benefit of the end-users, whilst remunerating the network operators correctly for the access.
  • Citymesh: sole candidate for the remaining 4G radio frequencies in the 2.6 GHz frequency band

    Publications › Press release -
    Citymesh: sole candidate for the remaining 4G radio frequencies in the 2.6 GHz frequency band
  • European Commission greenlights new wholesale tariffs for access to cable operators’ networks

    Publications › Press release -
    European Commission greenlights new wholesale tariffs for access to cable operators’ networks
  • FAQ

    No, a PLB is related to a person not to a vessel.

    However, you have to register your PLB on the website https://www.406registration.com/

  • BIPT outlines the consequences of the destruction of GSM masts

    Publications › Press release -
    Mobile operators install their masts at well-defined locations in our landscape in order to provide the Belgian population with maximum coverage and thus a maximum accessibility indoors and outdoors. Encouraging the destruction of masts and damaging them are both punishable offences. The perpetrators are liable for damage caused to operators but also to third parties. Furthermore, the damage represents a threat to the use of mobile services by the inhabitants of that area and the passersby. As a matter of fact, the damaged connectivity could make it difficult to call emergency and essential services (doctors, hospitals, police, fire brigades, anti-poison service, suicide prevention service, domestic violence call line...). It could also jeopardise the orderly functioning of emergency services which can use the location data when a caller is in distress and is, for instance, unable to communicate his or her location. Damaging mobile equipment is particularly irresponsible in the context of the current lockdown period, during which it is more important than ever to keep in touch with our families and loved ones, to be able to contact emergency services and to continue to participate in the economic and social life.
  • FAQ

    A form is available; please follow the instructions correctly, particularly the requests for documents that are necessary to process your application.

    The authorisation is free.

    Complete applications are processed in the chronological order of their arrival.

    Contacting us is unnecessary; if your file is incomplete, we will ask you to provide us with the missing elements. As soon as you file is processed, you will receive the authorisation via ordinary mail.

    Ground stations also need to be covered by an authorisation

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