BIPT has published today a decision imposing a 300,000 euro administrative fine on Telenet.
BIPT has imposed this fine because Telenet did not indicate the Easy Switch ID in a straightforward manner on the invoices of its business customers having subscribed to a tariff plan for “fixed” telephony, Internet and/or television, intended for consumers.
Customers have to give that Easy Switch ID to their new operator for the latter to arrange the customer’s entire switch in his place.
This document is not available in your language. However, you can consult it in the following language: (FR, NL)
- FR: Download document "L’IBPT impose à Telenet une amende de 300000 euros pour mention incomplète des données de transfert sur certaines factures"
- NL: Download document "Het BIPT legt Telenet een boete van 300.000 euro op omwille van een gebrekkige vermelding van overstapgegevens op sommige facturen"