This draft decision regards the analysis of the market for fixed termination. BIPT submits for consultation its analysis as well as the appropriate remedies.
Addition of IP NEXIA NV as an SMP operator
The fixed numbers of operator IP NEXIA have recently been activated, which means that this operator now provides call termination services at a fixed location. Therefore, BIPT considers that this operator has significant market power in the same way as the other operators providing call termination services at a fixed location.
The draft decision has been amended so that IP NEXIA is included in the list of operators with a significant market power in the fixed termination market (see paragraphs 113.2.3, 204, 263 692.2). In addition we remind you that the draft decision lays down in paragraph 263 that “If, by the end of this study, new players provide fixed call termination services over their fixed public telephone networks, BIPT will examine their position in their respective market and will take, where applicable, any appropriate decision in regard to them.”