On 15 October 2024, the Council adopted new internal regulations.

The Royal Decree of 19 April 2014 establishing the internal regulations of the Council of the Belgian Institute for Postal services and Telecommunications was applicable until 15 October 2024. With the entry into force of Article 18 of the Act of 21 December 2021 transposing the European Electronic Communications Code and amending various provisions regarding electronic communications the internal regulations are now set by the Council and not by a royal decree anymore.

These internal regulations are largely based on the aforementioned Royal Decree of 19 April 2014.
The most important change concerns Chapter 3 on the publication of decisions and opinions. Proposals for royal and ministerial decrees are added to Articles 13 and 14. Once completed, these will henceforth be communicated within two weeks to the persons directly and personally concerned. They will then be published on the website within four weeks, insofar as their publication is in the public interest. Regarding opinions, the link to the document to which the opinion relates is now added if it is publicly available.
Some practical aspects have also been modified, such as the possibility of organising the Council meeting in another location (or completely remotely).

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