The Brussels Court of Appeal decided on 6 November 2012 to reject the request for a suspension from Brutélé/Tecteo (otherwise called VOO) and Numéricable against opening up the cable. Indeed, the obligations do not cause any serious and hard to restore disadvantage to those operators. On 4 September 2012 the Court of Appeal had already rejected the same request for a suspension from Telenet.
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- FR: Download document "La Cour d’appel de Bruxelles rejette la demande de suspension de Brutélé/Tecteo et Numéricable à l’encontre de l’ouverture du câble"
- NL: Download document "Het hof van beroep van Brussel verwerpt het schorsingsverzoek van Brutélé/Tecteo en Numéricable tegen de opening van de kabel"