Yes, this system is subject to an authorisation issued by BIPT and must therefore be added to your application for a station authorisation.

  • FAQ

    A station authorisation is required for a radio (TX/RX), a DMA, an ELT (fixed or portable), a radar, a transponder, an ATC transponder, a TCAS, a VDR, a weather radio, a radio altimeter, a satellite communication system (SATCOM)... This list is not exhaustive but an authorisation is required for all devices emitting electromagnetic waves. In case of doubt, please contact our department.

  • FAQ

    Yes, however, you must apply for a special authorisation. You will find more information on the page Professional users – Mobile networks

  • FAQ

    The use of radios from the ground as an instructor or in AFIS (Aerodrome Flight Information Service) is possible but is subject to an authorisation of another category.

  • FAQ

    Both. An aeronautical authorisation is required when airborne but a maritime authorisation is required when on water. Furthermore, it can use a PLB: a device which can be activated by the user in case of emergency. That type of device is not subject to an authorisation in Belgium, provided that it is registered by the user via www.406registration.com.

  • Maritime

    Barges, container ships, pleasure craft... all radio-equipped vessels must have a station authorisation on board describing the equipment, pursuant to international regulations. The person operating this installation has to hold a certificate. BIPT is in charge of issuing these authorisations and certificates.
  • Radioamateurs

    Amateur radio is a hobby involving radio communications; it allows to establish contact with radio amateurs worldwide. You must demonstrate certain knowledge and skills to become a radio amateur.
  • Aeronautical

    ULMs, airliners, balloons... all radio-equipped aircraft must have a licence on board describing the equipment, pursuant to international regulations. The person operating this installation has to hold a restricted operator’s certificate for an aircraft station. BIPT is in charge of issuing these authorisations and certificates.
  • Choosing your Internet connection

    What factors should be considered when choosing an offer?  Your available budget;  The desired connection speed;  The desired data volume (limited or unlimited volume);  The cost of the download volume that is not included in the offer (price beyond the allowance for offers with a limited volume);   The desired technology (Xdsl, cable, satellite, mobile);   Standalone offer or offer included in a bundle;   The providers that are available for the connection location (fixed Internet);  The quality of the customer service of the chosen provider.
  • Comparing offers for mobile telephony

    In order to choose the offer best suited for your needs, you should know what type of consumer you are, in other words you should know: how often you call; how many text messages you send; how many data you download; at what time of the day you use these services; what your available budget is.
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