• Rights and obligations

    In general, an operator must fulfil all the legal obligations as defined by the Act on electronic communications (ECA) and its implementation orders.
  • Directories/ information services

    The basic regulatory provisions on the directories are laid down in Article 45 of the Electronic Communications Act of 13 June 2005; the basic regulatory provisions on the enquiry services are laid down in Article 46 of the Electronic Communications Act of 13 June 2005.
  • Comparing offers for Internet and TV - Quality indicators

    What kind of helpdesk do I need? Where can I find relevant/useful information? Should the connection be available at all times? Beware: providers promise their best effort, but please check the quality announced and verify whether your provider undertakes to repair defects.
  • Delivery

    The postal items are delivered at home or ‘poste restante’. A delivery ’poste restante’ is done at a charge, except for braille and assimilated postal items.
  • Tariffs of the universal service provider

    The universal service provider is subject to a number of tariff obligations. bpost has been initially designated by law as universal service provider until 31 December 2018. bpost continues to provide the universal service on the basis of a management contract concluded with the State for a period of five years, i.e. until 31 December 2023. These tariffs have to be affordable, cost-oriented, transparent, non-discriminatory and identical throughout the entire territory.
  • Handicapped users

    It is important that persons with a handicap can be provided with electronic communications equipment adapted to their specific needs. The GARI database includes an overview of mobile apps and equipment (phones, tablets...) that makes electronic communications services more accessible to users with a handicap.
  • Premium calls & SMS

    For certain phone or SMS numbers a premium charge applies. These are numbers which give access to information services, games or entertainment services, content of an erotic or sexual nature, and so on.
  • Roaming

    Roaming is when you use mobile phone services (calls, text messages and mobile internet) while travelling abroad: you call (or send an SMS or MMS) to a fixed or mobile number in the country where you are. Roaming should not be confused with international calls (calls made and SMS messages sent from Belgium to a foreign number) because, in the case of intra-EU calls, the tariffs may be higher than those for roaming within the EU.
  • International calls & SMS

    We talk about international communications when you call (with your fixed or mobile telephone) or send an SMS message from Belgium, to a foreign destination. Beware! Do not confuse international communications with roaming, i.e. the use of your Belgian subscription/prepaid card when travelling abroad. This distinction is important because national tariffs are applicable to roaming in the EU (and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein). This is not the case for international communications to EU Member States (and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) the price of which is capped but higher than national tariffs.
  • Jammers

    In Belgium, it is not allowed for private persons to use or possess jammers.
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