• Decision of the BIPT Council of 15 July 2015 regarding the quality of service indicators

    Publications › Decision -
    This decision aims at imposing upon operators providing fixed and mobile electronic communications services, the obligation to publish certain quality indicators on their own websites. BIPT has selected nine quality indicators that seem especially useful and relevant in its opinion. The indicators aimed at regard the following domains: installation time, failures and malfunctions, customer services performance, complaints on invoices, mobile networks coverage degree. Based on the indicators measured by the operators, BIPT will publish a quality barometer online enabling an easy comparison between the different aspects regarding quality. The barometer will come online on 1 July 2016.
  • Mobile network monitoring report

    Publications › Annual report -
    Mobile network monitoring report
  • BIPT publishes an "Atlas" of the mobile operators' coverage on his website

    Publications › Press release -
    Today BIPT published on its website an 'Atlas' of the coverage provided by the mobile telecom operators in Belgium. The data of the telecom operators have been collected and, following verifications or "scanning" in the field, assembled in a public and free "Atlas". As of 1 January 2016 telecom operators are obliged to provide BIPT with further data that regard the quality, such as the response time of the customer services, which BIPT will also publish on its website as a "quality barometer".
  • Draft decision regarding the wholesale tariffs for call termination on the public telephone network provided at a fixed location

    Publications › Consultation -
    Deadline for reply: until 15 September 2015. E-mail your reactions to: consultation.sg@bipt.be (Subject: "consult-2015-C5"). Contact person: Maarten Josson, adviser (02 226 89 47).
  • Prior consultation: Addenda of Proximus to the reference offers BRIO and BMRIO - Termination rates

    Publications › Consultation -
    We hereby invite you to react to the proposal formulated by Proximus on 12 June 2015 regarding the termination rates for calls initiated in countries that are not part of the European Union within the framework of the reference offers BRIO and BMRIO. Moreover Proximus mentions that: “Tariff differentiation of incoming calls will be based on the 'A-number' principle. It means that the origin of the call will determine the applied tariffs. The origin is determined via the country code of the caller. In our proposal, the objective is to apply this principle regardless of the (transit) operator.” (free translation) Reactions to the proposal covered by this mail are expected: • by e-mail to consultation.sg@ibpt.be  • by Thursday 30 July 2015 at the latest • Please make sure that the subject mentions at least the reference 'CONSULT-2015-C4 / 15-750' Please get in touch with your contact person at Proximus for any technical question on this proposal. Martin Dorme (+32 2 226 87 06) will gladly answer your potential questions on this consultation.
  • Decision of 30 June 2015 on the coexistence of public mobile networks with the GSM-R network in the 900 MHz band_2015

    Publications › Decision -
    This decision aims at ensuring the coexistence of Infrabel's GSM-R network in the 876.1-879.9/921.1-924.9 MHz frequency bands on the one hand with the public mobile networks in the 880.1-914.9/925.1-959.9 MHz frequency bands on the other hand.
  • Summary of 30 June 2015 of the contributions to the consultation organised by the BIPT Council on 22 January 2015 regarding the designation procedure of the universal service provider

    Publications › Consultation -
    Bpost is charged with the universal postal service until 31 December 2018, in accordance with Article 144octies, § 1, of the Act of 21 March 1991 on the reform of certain economic public companies. The same provision states that the designation procedure of the universal service provider who will succeed bpost shall end at the latest three years before the end of the previous designation, i.e. before 31 December 2015. The Royal Decree of 19 April 2014 amending the Royal Decree of 11 January 2006 implementing Title IV (Reform of the Postal Authorities) of the Act of 21 March 1991 on the reform of certain economic public companies has introduced, in this Royal Decree of January 2006, a new Title VI laying down the designation procedure of the universal service provider and entrusting BIPT with the practical organisation of this procedure in name and on behalf of the Belgian State. Within this framework, a public consultation regarding the designation of the universal service provider was held from 22 January 2015 to 6 March 2015. BIPT has received 6 contributions. This document contains the summary of the contributions received. This draft summary mentions the name of most of the participants to the consultation. The responses to each of the questions asked have been summarized, the name of the respondent to the question has been made anonymous.
  • Communication of 24 June 2015 concerning the World Radio Conference 2015

    Publications › Communication -
    The upcoming World Radio Conference (WRC-15) will take place in Geneva from 2 to 27 November 2015. This communication concerns: the European common proposals that will be co-signed by Belgium; the Belgian delegation for the WRC-15.
  • BIPT gives tips and tricks for mobile Internet and calling abroad

    Publications › Press release -
    Last week BIPT and the FPS Economy launched the www.surfmobiel.be website aimed at informing the consumer on the advantages of mobile Internet and on the proper, safe and controlled use thereof. Mobile surfing, calling, texting, or roaming is also possible from abroad and is very easy today. Roaming does not necessarily have to go hand in hand with a surprisingly high telecom invoice, but nevertheless it remains useful to keep a check on the prices and consumption. For indeed the Eurotariff does not apply outside of the EU Member States (and thus neither in certain popular holiday destinations). Therefore BIPT gives a number of tips and tricks to the travelling telecom user.
  • Consultation on the technical and operational conditions for the 3400-3800 MHz band

    Publications › Consultation -
    Draft decision of the BIPT Council on the technical and operational conditions to avoid harmful interference in the 3400-3800 MHz band
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