• Ethernet Cost Model – Public Version

    Publications › Other -
    Public version of the cost model for Ethernet transport on Proximus’ network.
  • Ethernet Cost Model – User Manual

    Publications › Other -
    This document describes how to use the cost model for Ethernet transport on Proximus’ network.
  • Ethernet Cost Model – Descriptive Manual

    Publications › Other -
    This document describes the modelling approach, the structure of the model as well as the calculation process followed during the development of the cost model for Ethernet transport on Proximus’ network.
  • Ethernet Cost Model – Excel File for the Comments

    Publications › Other -
    Excel file for the comments within the framework of the consultation on the cost model for Ethernet transport on Proximus’ network.
  • Consultation regarding a draft bill on the use of jammers

    Publications › Consultation -
    The consultation concerns the exceptions to the ban on the use of jammers provided for in the Act of 13 June 2005 on electronic communications.
  • Complaints concerning network roll-out

    Publications › Other -
    Rights to install telecommunications networks; how the administrative procedure proceeds before BIPT in case of a complaint
  • Construction of infrastructure

    For the roll-out of his network, an operator is entitled to use, among other things, the façades that give out onto the public road. Prior to carrying out such works on private property, the operator has to try to obtain an ‘agreement’ with the owner in question.
  • Radio spectrum auction brings in 1.2 billion euro

    Publications › Press release -
    Following the start on 1 June 2022 the main phase of the auction of the new 5G spectrum (700 MHz, 3600 MHz) and the existing 2G and 3G radio spectrum (900MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100MHz) was ended with proceeds of 1,202,192,400 euro.
  • Decision of 14 June 2022 on the technical and operational conditions for the avoidance of harmful interference in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz frequency bands

    Publications › Decision -
    The decision concerns the technical and operational conditions for the avoidance of harmful interference in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz frequency bands.
  • Record level of investments in the telecoms market

    Publications › Press release -
    The decrease in the number of fixed telephony lines continued in 2021. In its annual report on the figures of the electronic communications market, the BIPT noted a further decrease of almost 10% in the number of connections. The fixed broadband Internet traffic continues its upward trend, increasing by almost 13%, and bundles are increasingly used for this purpose. The average data consumption per fixed broadband Internet connection also increased to 239 GB per month, 19 GB more than in 2020. Major investments are being made in order to keep up with this development: the BIPT reports a record level of investments. Last year, investments in the fixed segment increased by no less than 23% to over EUR 1 billion.
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