Working for BIPTWorking for BIPT? Great idea! We would be thrilled to count you in.

At BIPT, various profiles are regularly gathered in multidisciplinary teams where engineers, jurists, economists, technicians and file managers are working together.

Recruitments take place after passing an exam organised by Selor. To boost your chances of finding a job, you are therefore invited to go to the website, to submit your CV online in the section “My Selor” and to subscribe to the job mailing, the latter allows you to stay informed of the job vacancies for which you are eligible.

Should you have any other questions, please send them via the contact form under the section “Contact” or you can call the information line at 02 740 74 74, from Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Our job offers are also published on our LinkedIn page and ou Facebook page.

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