• Indoor coverage

    The coverage obligations imposed on the mobile operators only relate to outdoor coverage. Until now, coverage obligations have never been imposed indoors. This will not change in the future.
  • Interference & Jammers

    Radio interference can disrupt and render impossible the proper operation of transmitters and/or receivers. The BIPT's NCS service (the National Spectrum Monitoring Department) is responsible for "policing the radio waves" in the broad sense of the word.
  • Point to (multi)point links

    Radio-relay links are used to link two locations instead of using a telephone cable or optical fibre. They can be established quickly, requiring little infrastructure.
  • Terminated allocation procedures

    This section regards the terminated procedures for allocation of user rights.
  • International agreements

    The international coordination is regulated through agreements established at the level of the International Telecommunication Union or at multilateral level. These agreements describe the rights negotiated for each signatory country as well as the procedure amending these if necessary. These rights exist in various forms: frequencies and/or preferential codes, allotments, allocations.
  • Obtaining and managing numbers

    End users gain access to telecommunication services via numbers. For this reason, the development of an efficient numbering plan is a determining factor for guaranteeing quality and the success of telecommunication services.
  • Negotiating with SMP operators

    An operator can freely negotiate access with other operators throughout the European Union. This implies that any operator providing a public electronic communications network has an obligation to negotiate in good faith, with any operator requesting it, an interconnection agreement for the purpose of providing publicly available electronic communications services.
  • Rights and obligations

    In general, an operator must fulfil all the legal obligations as defined by the Act on electronic communications (ECA) and its implementation orders.
  • Directories/ information services

    The basic regulatory provisions on the directories are laid down in Article 45 of the Electronic Communications Act of 13 June 2005; the basic regulatory provisions on the enquiry services are laid down in Article 46 of the Electronic Communications Act of 13 June 2005.
  • Jammers

    In Belgium, it is not allowed for private persons to use or possess jammers.
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