No, even if your personal situation has not changed in any other aspect, it becomes impossible after 1 March 2024 to get a social discount on your new tariff plan, if the subscription which the social discount applies to is cancelled to switch to another tariff plan - whether the operator is the same or not.

    If you meet the conditions to be granted the social Internet offer, you can apply for it to a provider.

    You do not meet the granting conditions or the social Internet offer does not appeal to you?
    Go to besttariff.be, the government’s telecom tariff comparison tool, and find the telecom tariff plan that does meet your needs, which may be cheaper for you. All telecom tariff plans available on the market are listed there, ranging from inexpensive to more expensive.

  • FAQ

    No, even if your personal situation has not changed in any other aspect, the “old” social tariff stops if the address where the fixed Internet is provided changes because of a move.

    If you meet the conditions  to be granted the social Internet offer, you can apply for it to a provider.

    You do not meet the granting conditions or the social Internet offer does not appeal to you?
    Go to besttariff.be, the government’s telecom tariff comparison tool, and find the telecom tariff plan that does meet your needs, which may be cheaper for you. All telecom tariff plans available on the market are listed there, ranging from inexpensive to more expensive.

  • FAQ

    That is possible.

    If you think you meet the conditions applicable to the social Internet offer:

    1. you should check whether the characteristics of your operator’s (or another operator’s) social Internet offer for fixed Internet meet your needs;
    2. if that is the case, you choose a provider of the social Internet offer to apply to;
    3. The latter will forward your application to the FPS Economy, which will check the granting conditions.

    Mind you, after you have cancelled the subscription on which the social discount was granted (“old” social tariff), you lose that discount forever. After 1 March 2024 only applications for the social Internet offer can be submitted.

  • FAQ

    No, you cannot make use of both formulas at the same time.

    Those who want to benefit from the new social Internet offer:

    • have to meet the specific conditions applicable to the social Internet offer.
      Mind you, those conditions are different from the conditions that apply to the social discount on the telecom bill, which could be applied for up to 1 March 2024 (“old” social tariff);
    • do not already have an “old” social tariff within the family.

  • FAQ

    No, the choice is yours. 

    The social Internet offer means you get fixed Internet access for the price of 19 euro per month (or 40 euro for a bundle). The social Internet offer includes 150 GB of data and a minimum speed of 30 Mbps. If that does not meet your requirements you cankeep your old social tariff, which consists of a maximum discount of 11.5 euro on your telecom bill.

    However, by accepting the social Internet offer you can no longer apply again for a social discount on a normal telecom subscription (“old” social tariff) later on. So check, before changing, if the social internet offer corresponds to the needs of your household.

  • FAQ

    You keep the discount unless one of the following situations applies to you:

    1. you no longer meet the conditions ;
    2. you have changed your contract or tariff plan with the same operator;
    3. you have switched operators;
    4. you have moved as a consequence of which fixed Internet is no longer provided at the same address;
    5. the tariff plan for which you have a social discount is no longer sold by your operator.

  • FAQ

    Depending on the beneficiary’s situation, one or several of the following documents are necessary:

    • a copy of the most recent assesstment notice (Avertissement-extrait de rôle Impôt des personnes physiques et taxes additionnelles/Aanslagbiljet personenbelasting en aanvullende belastingen) sent on a yearly basis by the FPS Finance, for all persons over 18, domiciled at the beneficiary’s address;
    • a certificate of the payment of family allowances, obtained from the family allowances fund;
    • a certificate indicating that the beneficiary has a handicap of at least 66%; this certificate is available at the mutual insurance fund (mutualité/ziekenfonds) or at the FPS Social Security - DG Disabled persons;
    • a certificate of the household composition obtained at the municipal administration (service Population/dienst Bevolking) of the beneficiary;
    • a copy of the ruling (of the justice of peace or of the youth court) indicating that the grandchildren have been entrusted to the beneficiary by a legal decision;
    • a copy of a CPAS/OCMW certificate proving that the beneficiary receives the social integration income in accordance with the Act of May 26, 2002;
    • a certificate and an audiogram of from the otorhinolaryngologist ear, nose and throat specialist proving a minimal hearing loss of 70 dB for the best ear;
    • a certificate of from the ear, nose and throat specialist otorhinolaryngologist proving that the beneficiary has undergone a laryngectomy;
    • a certificate of from the DG Victims of war of the FPS Social Security proving that the beneficiary is a military war blinded.

  • FAQ

    The discounts are laid down in Article 38 of the Annex 1of the Act of 13 June 2005 on electronic communications.

    Several hypotheses are summarised in the table below:

    Categories of beneficiaries Single discount for the installation Monthly discounts
      Fixed telephone connection Subscription fee Communications (fixed, bundle of the subscription fee operator) Total amount of discounts (max. per month)
    + 65 years, disabled, hearing-impaired persons, laryngectomee, military war blinded 50% of the standard price Fixed, Internet or bundle 40% (max. € 8.4) € 3.1* € 11.5
    Ssocial integration income receivers  / Internet : 40 %
    (max. € 8.4)
    € 3.1

    € 11.5 (if Internet)

    or € 3.1

    * NB: if you pay the subscription fee and the communications to two different operators, only the operator providing the communications grants a maximum discount of € 11.5 on the calls.

  • FAQ

    That is information you can find on your monthly bill.

  • Appeal of Telenet against the BIPT Council Decision of 12 December 2023

    Publications › Dispute -
    By means of this application of 12 February 2024, Telenet seeks the annulment of the BIPT Council Decision imposing a €1 000 000 fine as the operator does not propose the Easy Switch procedure as a simplified standard migration process in its points of sale and therefore does not comply with its obligations regarding Easy Switch.
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