• WACC 4 Results

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    WACC 4 Results
  • WACC 3 Betas

    Publications › Decision -
    WACC 3 Betas
  • WACC 2 Peers, gearing, rating

    Publications › Decision -
    WACC 2 Peers, gearing, rating
  • WACC 1 ERP, Rf, Cd by rating

    Publications › Decision -
    WACC 1 ERP, Rf, Cd by rating
  • Decision of 23 July 2019 regarding the cost of capital (WACC) for SMP operators in Belgium

    Publications › Decision -
    This decision regards the determination of the weighted cost of capital (WACC) that will be used in all tariff decisions taken by the BIPT after its entry into force. The new WACC values for cable and FTTH will be used in the future respective tariff decisions. At the date of entry into force the Council Decision of 26 February 2015 will be lifted on the understanding that the existing tariff decisions will remain unchanged as to the determination of the WACC values in those decisions. The FTR rates have been updated with the new legacy WACC but they have no impact on the existing termination rates, so that the decision of 20 November 2018 remains unchanged.
  • Decision of 9 July 2019 regarding the renewal of the decision of 7 December 2018 on the retail market for access to the public telephone network at a fixed location and on the wholesale market for call origination on the public telephone network provided at a fixed location

    Publications › Decision -
    This decision aims to replace the BIPT Council Decision of 7 December 2018 on the retail market for access to the public telephone network at a fixed location and on the wholesale market for call origination on the public telephone network provided at a fixed location, following the annulment of the latter decision by the Brussels Court of Appeal on 12 June 2019.
  • Media regulator

    In Belgium, the Communities are competent for the technical aspects and the contents of the audiovisual media services. However, in the bilingual Brussels-Capital Region, some activities of the media sector cannot be exclusively linked to one of the two Communities (the Flemish Community and the French Community): in that case, the Federal State is competent for these activities.
  • Premium rate services

    The Royal Decree of 12 December 2018 determining the applicable obligations relating to the provision of premium rate services.
  • Press release: ERGP - 16th Plenary meeting

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  • Annual report on the monitoring of net neutrality in Belgium 2018-2019

    Publications › Communication -
    The BIPT is publishing the third annual report on the monitoring of net neutrality in Belgium. Some highlights: This past year the BIPT rolled out important projects regarding the measurement of the quality of experience of the Internet access service. For example, the BIPT launched a crowdsourcing application that allows to measure the quality of experience in the field by way of the users. The BIPT also published on its new data portal www.bipt-data.be the results of drive tests carried out with BIPT measuring vehicles. Zero-rating was mainly monitored in the period from 01 May 2018 to 30 April 2019, generally without there appearing to be a reason for intervention. There were two cases (zero-rating with Epic and during Belgian Red Devils matches during the 2018 WC) that the BIPT thought it was necessary to intervene, both times with regard to Proximus. No cases of blocking services or applications in the network have been found. As for end-users’ choic the mobile data volumes included in the ISP offers have again increased, in order to set off the increasing mobile data traffic.
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