• Consultation on the use of the 26 GHz band for 5G

    Publications › Consultation -
    The consultation aims at: estimating the existence of a market demand for the 26 GHz band in Belgium; defining the guidelines on the migration of radio-relay links existing in the 26 GHz band; defining the guidelines on the future regulatory framework for the 26 GHz band.
  • Consultation regarding the analysis of the high-quality access market

    Publications › Consultation -
    This draft decision regards the analysis of the high-quality access market. BIPT submits for consultation its analysis as well as the appropriate remedies.
  • Consultation at the request of the BIPT Council of 24 March 2019 on the extension of the supply of 0800 numbers

    Publications › Consultation -
    BIPT is organising a consultation about the extension of the supply of 0800 numbers. As the administrator of the numbering plan BIPT has to ensure that this plan is administrated as efficiently and effectively as possible. Within this framework BIPT explains in the consultation that it is concerned about the available supply of 0800 numbers. Eight possible solutions are described. BIPT does favour the options that raise efficiency instead of changing the numbering plan. The purpose of this consultation is to obtain feedback from all interested parties about the various options, and to gather any useful remarks so as to choose the best solution. Depending on the choices made further actions will be needed either in the form of amendments to the Royal Decree of 27 April 2007 on managing the national numbering space and the grant and withdrawal of number user rights or of new Ministerial Orders and/or Council Decisions. This document introduces and describes the issue. It contains a number of specific questions, which the stakeholders are asked to answer. Deadline: 8 May 2019.
  • Pre-consultation of the Proximus reference offer “PRIO”

    Publications › Consultation -
    Proximus has established a new reference offer related to the IP interconnection and has submitted it to BIPT according to the access and transparency obligation referred to in the BIPT decision of 20 November 2018 regarding the analysis of the market for call termination on the public telephone network provided at a fixed location. On 20 February 2019, BIPT launched the pre-consultation of this draft reference offer. The documents subject to consultation concern the “VoIP Interconnection offer”, the “Annex 2: Pricing” and the “Annex 3: Planning and Operations”. If any information is missing in these documents, BIPT asks you to contact your contact person at Proximus and to notify the Institute as well. This step should enable BIPT to collect the reactions and possible remarks of the recipients which are necessary to draft a formal decision, based on the draft reference offer under consultation. Reactions to the pre-consultation are expected by 13 March 2019 at the latest at consultation.sg@ibpt.be. Respondents are asked to ensure that the subject of the reply includes at least the reference “CONSULT-2019-B2”.
  • Application for suspension and annulment of 15 February 2019 lodged by 3STARSNET against the Decision of 7 December 2018 on the retail market of access to the public telephone network provided at a fixed location and on the wholesale market of call origination on the public telephone network provided at a fixed location

    Publications › Consultation -
    Application for suspension and annulment of 15 February 2019 lodged by 3STARSNET against the BIPT Council Decision of 7 December 2018 on the retail market of access to the public telephone network provided at a fixed location and on the wholesale market of call origination on the public telephone network provided at a fixed location
  • Pre-consultation of the Proximus reference offer “Bitstream Multicast”

    Publications › Consultation -
    Proximus has established a new (limited) “Bitstream Multicast” reference offer and submitted it to BIPT following the relevant access and transparency obligation set in the CRC decision of 29 June 2018 on the analysis of the broadband and television broadcasting markets. On 14 February 2019 BIPT will be starting the preliminary consultation on that draft reference offer. The documents submitted for preliminary consultation are only the “Main Body” and “Annex 2: Technical specifications”. According to Proximus, due to the lack of a specific request, it is impossible at this stage to establish a sufficiently detailed and complete reference offer. If information should be lacking in these documents BIPT asks to contact your contact person at Proximus and to inform BIPT as well of this situation. The term for the preliminary consultation on the reference offers is 4 weeks and ends on 14 March 2019. This step should enable BIPT to receive a first reaction including possible remarks from beneficiaries and to determine whether based on the draft reference offer a formal decision about the draft with a consultation should be started. Respondents should kindly make sure that the object of the response contains at least the following reference « CONSULT-2019-B1 » and send this to consultation.sg@bipt.be.
  • Consultation of 8 February 2019 on the Decision regarding the granting to E-Bo Enterprises of temporary user rights for the establishment and operation of transmission installations at the wind farms situated in the Belgian economic zone in the North Sea and on the adaptation of the financial terms in the Decision of 21 October 2013

    Publications › Consultation -
    This decision regards the extension of the user rights granted to E-BO Enterprises and the adaptation of the financial terms for the other wind farms in the North Sea.
  • Consultation of 22 January 2019 about the draft decision on the extension of Citymesh’s user rights in the 3.5 GHz frequency band

    Publications › Consultation -
    The BIPT Council Decision of 7 May 2015 granted user rights to Citymesh in the 3.5 GHz frequency band for the provision of electronic communications services on the Belgian territory. In accordance with Article 21 of the Royal Decree of 24 March 2009 the BIPT Decision of 7 May 2015 is extended to the municipalities of Beveren (postal code 9120) and Zelzate (postal code 9060).   Reply address: consultation.sg@bipt.be (Reference: "Consult-2019-A9") Deadline: until 15 February 2019. Contact person: Gino Ducheyne, Pr. Ir. , 02 22 68 818.
  • Pre-consultation of the Proximus reference offer “Bitstream GPON”

    Publications › Consultation -
    On 22 January 2019 BIPT will be starting a preliminary consultation on the Proximus draft reference offer for Bitstream GPON. In the decision of 29 June 2018 on the analysis of the broadband and television broadcasting markets BIPT imposed an obligation on Proximus to publish these new or adapted reference offers. The term for the preliminary consultation on the reference offers is 4 weeks and ends on 19 February 2019. This step should enable BIPT to receive a first reaction including possible remarks from beneficiaries and to determine whether based on the draft reference offer a formal decision about the draft with a consultation should be started. Respondents should kindly make sure that the object of the response contains at least the following reference “CONSULT-2019-A3” and send this to consultation.sg@bipt.be.
  • Pre-consultation of the Telenet reference offer “Bitstream coax and resell of television services”

    Publications › Consultation -
    On 22 January 2019 BIPT will be starting a preliminary consultation on the Telenet draft reference offer for Bitstream coax and resell of television services. In the decision of 29 June 2018 on the analysis of the broadband and television broadcasting markets BIPT imposed an obligation on Telenet to publish these new or adapted reference offers. The term for the preliminary consultation on the reference offers is 4 weeks and ends on 19 February 2019. This step should enable BIPT to receive a first reaction including possible remarks from beneficiaries and to determine whether based on the draft reference offer a formal decision about the draft with a consultation should be started. Respondents should kindly make sure that the object of the response contains at least the following reference “CONSULT-2019-A4” and send this to consultation.sg@bipt.be. Update 30/01/2019: annex « Telenet financial terms for adding a TV channel » added
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