• ERGP supports European postal operators’ initiatives to help Ukrainian citizens and invites them to take further action

    News -
    The European Group of Postal Regulators (ERGP), which represents the independent postal regulators of the European Union, is extremely concerned about the humanitarian situation in Ukraine caused by the invasion of the Russian Federation troops.
  • Consultation concerning a draft bill amending article 5 of the law of 26 January 2018 on postal services to provide for a percentage of salaried workers in the parcel delivery sector in Belgium.

    Publications › Consultation -
    At the request of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Post, Petra De Sutter, BIPT submits for public consultation the preliminary draft law referred to in the appendix, aimed in particular at modifying article 5 of the law of 26 January 2018, in order to require postal service providers of a certain size to use a minimum percentage of employees or temporary workers.
  • Communication on the proposal for a Royal Decree amending annex 2 of the Royal Decree of 18 December 2009 on private radio communications and user rights for fixed networks and trunk networks and the annex to the Royal Decree of 16 April 1998 on satellite earth stations

    Publications › Communication -
    The proposal seeks to amend annex 2 of the Royal Decree of 18 December 2009 and the annex to the Royal Decree of 16 April 1998, pursuant to Article 13/1, § 2, of the Act of 13 June 2005 on electronic communications.
  • Prior consultation on the reference offer of Fiberklaar

    Publications › Consultation -
    In 2021, two joint ventures were created by Proximus, with EQT Infrastructure on the one side and Eurofiber on the other side. The purpose of these two companies, named Fiberklaar and Unifiber, is to deploy a passive point-to-point FTTH network in the northern and southern parts of the country respectively and to provide a passive access to that network.
  • Prior consultation on the reference offer of Unifiber

    Publications › Consultation -
    In 2021, two joint ventures were created by Proximus, with EQT Infrastructure on the one side and Eurofiber on the other side. The purpose of these two companies, named Fiberklaar and Unifiber, is to deploy a passive point-to-point FTTH network in the northern and southern parts of the country respectively and to provide a passive access to that network.
  • FAQ

    Fixed-term or permanent? 

    Check whether you have a permanent contract or not: this is also specified on your invoice.

    An operator is not allowed to charge anything for the termination of a contract

    • If you have a permanent contract;
    • If your fixed-term contract started at least six months ago.


    You have acquired a device by way of a conditional sale?

    Good to know: If you have acquired a free or bargain price device (e.g. a mobile phone or a tablet) from your operator, he can demand an extra compensation. Even if you have signed a permanent contract. Or if you do not cancel the contract before six months have passed.  

    hat extra compensation must not exceed the value stated in a repayment table annexed to the contract. 

    If you look in that table at the month you are in you can see what extra compensation is due.

    After 24 months an operator is not allowed to charge any compensation for the device anymore. 

    More info:

    The basis of the calculation that the operator should have made for you is a monthly depreciation of the device. Each month, until month 24 the same amount should be subtracted from the residual value of that device. 

    We illustrate this below in case of a permanent contract.

    You have entered into a permanent contract. When you signed the contract, you “bought” the device for € 1.

    The repayment table annexed to the contract is shown below:

    Month Residual value Month Residual value
    0 € 240 13 € 110
    1 € 230 14 € 100
    2 € 220 15 € 90
    3 € 210 16 € 80
    4 € 200 17 € 70
    5 € 190 18 € 60
    6 € 180 19 € 50
    7 € 170 20 € 40
    8 € 160 21 € 30
    9 € 150 22 € 20
    10 € 140 23 € 10
    11 € 130 24 € 0

    You decide to terminate the contract after 8 months: the operator can then ask a compensation of € 160.

    In case of a fixed-term contract your operator has to compare the device's residual value calculated as mentioned above with the remaining subscription fees until the end of the contract (for consumers this does not exceed 2 years).

    If this balance of subscription fees is lower than the value obtained through the monthly depreciation, the operator may charge only the remaining subscription fees and not the entire residual value of the device.


    Use of Easy Switch

    Please use the Easy Switch procedure if you want to switch bundles completely.

    The new operator will handle the entire transfer for you!

  • FAQ

    You have an e-mail address without a domain name from your current telecoms operator

    For instance: you have your own domain name (jean@dupont.be) or you use a Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo... address.

    You can always keep that e-mail address.


    You have an e-mail address with a domain name from your current telecoms operator

    For instance: jean.dupont@skynet.be, jean.dupont@telenet.be...

    You can keep that e-mail address for 18 months. This service is free but you have to request it before the end of your subscription. During that period, you can share your new e-mail address with your contacts. Your operator must offer you one of the following options:

    •    Keep on using your previous e-mail address for 18 months.
    •    Immediately close your previous e-mail address and forward the e-mails sent to the previous address to the new one for 18 months.

    After this 18-month period, the operator may offer the possibility to keep these facilities, but upon your request and against payment. 

  • Decision of 8 February 2022 on the technical and operational conditions for the avoidance of harmful interference in the 1427-1517 MHz band

    Publications › Decision -
    The decision concerns the technical and operational conditions to ensure the coexistence of neighboring networks using the 1427-1517 MHz frequency band, and the protection of other services and applications in the adjacent bands.
  • Communication of 21 February 2022 on the conformity of Brutélé’s cost accounting system for 2020

    Publications › Communication -
    With the publication of this communication, the BIPT Council confirms the conformity of Brutélé’s cost accounting system for 2020.
  • Communication of 21 February 2022 on the conformity of Telenet’s cost accounting system for 2020

    Publications › Communication -
    With the publication of this communication, the BIPT Council confirms the conformity of Telenet’s cost accounting system for 2020.
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