Keeping mobile signal repeaters and making them available on the market is allowed only if:

  • the equipment complies with the applicable legislation;
  • the trader has a general holder’s licence;
  • he only deals with mobile network operators, other professionals having a general holder’s licence or with a user who can prove he has the consent from the operators involved;
  • and he establishes a monthly declaration of sales and sends it to the BIPT.

A repeater is a piece of radio equipment in the sense of Article 2 of the Electronic Communications Act and in accordance with the European “Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU” or “RED” EU. 

A repeater does not constitute terminal equipment by itself: it is a link between the operator’s network and the user’s terminal equipment. The repeater repeats the mobile operator’s or operators’ signal, using the spectrum assigned to the operators in the various BIPT decisions.
Similar to any product falling under the European RED Directive the following conditions must be met:

  • presence of CE marking on the packaging and on the product;
  • the pictogram and the text warning about national restrictions on putting the equipment into service or pointing out requirements concerning the permission for use, must be indicated visibly and legibly on the packaging: "Pictogram National Restrictions  Restrictions or requirements in BE” must be indicated. 
  • presence of the EU declaration of conformity;
  • contain the instructions in the three national languages, an indication that the use is subject to authorisation or a user right. More specifically it should be mentioned: “The use of this equipment is only allowed with the consent of all the mobile operators involved” or a similar indication;
  • the instructions also need to indicate the frequency bands used by the repeater, as well as the maximum output power;
  • in case of distance selling (e-commerce) it must be specified to the potential buyer that “The use of this equipment is only allowed with the consent of all the mobile operators involved.”


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