This decision aims at the implementation of Article 13 of the Royal Decree regarding the analytic accounting of the universal postal service provider of 25 April 2014.
In this context, each year, the universal service provider has to provide BIPT with a list of his products and services as well as the classification according to their nature, into universal, public or commercial products or services. This classification is submitted to BIPT's approval.
BIPT then communicates this approval to the audit commissioner (in this case, the Supervisory Board).
This document is not available in your language. However, you can consult it in the following language: (FR, NL)
- FR: Download document "Décision du Conseil de l'IBPT du 26 septembre 2017 concernant l'inventaire et la classification des produits et services fournis par le prestataire du service universel pour l'année 2015"
- NL: Download document "Besluit van de Raad van het BIPT van 26 september 2017 betreffende de oplijsting en indeling van producten en diensten verstrekt door de universeldienstaanbieder voor het jaar 2015"