In future new buildings are likely to be equipped with a multi-operator and multi-technological DAS system. A working group of stakeholders has laid down the minimum technical specifications that are recommended for DAS systems. In this communication BIPT publishes those directives. After all, those DAS systems should be carried out according to the rules. The directives annexed are merely recommendations.
This document is not available in your language. However, you can consult it in the following language: (FR, NL)
- FR: Download document "Communication du Conseil de l’IBPT du 15 septembre 2017 concernant les spécifications techniques minimales pour les systèmes d’antennes indoor"
- NL: Download document "Mededeling van de Raad van het BIPT van 15 september 2017 betreffende de minimale technische specificaties voor indoorantennesystemen"