As of 2019, postal operators providing cross-border parcel delivery services within Europe have to comply with the obligations resulting from the new EU Regulation 2018/644 of 18 April 2018 on cross-border parcel delivery services.
In accordance with Article 6 of this Regulation, BIPT shall assess the bpost rates considered in order to identify those tariffs that it considers to be unreasonably high.
This document is not available in your language. However, you can consult it in the following language: (FR, NL)
- FR: Download document "Communication du 12 décembre 2024 concernant l’évaluation des tarifs de bpost retenus dans le cadre du règlement européen relatif aux services de livraison transfrontière de colis"
- NL: Download document "Mededeling van 12 december 2024 betreffende de beoordeling van de in aanmerking genomen bpost-tarieven in het kader van de Europese Verordening betreffende grensoverschrijdende pakketbezorgdiensten"