The postal market has been completely liberalised since 1 January 2011. As stated in BIPT's mission, detailed in the 2010-2013 Strategic Plan, BIPT takes on the task in this new context of proactively monitoring compliance with the regulatory framework, including the management contract, by paying special attention to the operation of the universal service and by watching over the consumers' interests. The legislator did not expressly oblige BIPT to draw up an annual report on the monitoring of the compliance with the legal obligations by the universal service provider, bpost. However, as bpost is the most important actor on the Belgian postal market, as well as universal service provider, and it is entrusted with a number of public postal services, BIPT deems it necessary to publish the result of the monitoring of bpost it carried out in 2012. This publication relates to certain legal obligations regarding quality for which the legislator did not define a specific monitoring tool and therefore fall within BIPT's monitoring power. In 2012, 116 postal offices and 124 Postal Points were monitored. Among other things oral and written communication of information to users, accessibility for disabled people and opening times were verified.

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