For the convenience of the parties concerned, BIPT makes available to the future audiovisual media service providers a declaration form. The declarant must comply with the requirements of Article 7 of the law of 5 May 2017 on audiovisual media services in the bilingual region of Brussels-Capital.
However, using it is not mandatory.
The declaration itself and the supporting documents must be sent by registered post.
The language legislation does not allow the use of another language than Dutch or French to submit the declaration.
If you have questions regarding a declaration or the regulation related to audiovisual media services in the bilingual Brussels-Capital region, feel free to contact BIPT at :
Boulevard du Roi Albert II 32 box 10
1000 Brussels
Last updated on 25/02/2025
- FR: Download document "Formulaire de déclaration pour les entreprises souhaitant fournir des services de médias audiovisuels en région bilingue de Bruxelles-Capitale"
- NL: Download document "Aangifteformulier voor toekomstige aanbieders van audiovisuele mediadiensten in het tweetalig gebied Brussel-Hoofdstad"