Brussels, 2 May 2018 – On 27 April 2018, the CRC, the Conference of regulators in the electronic communications sector, which brings together the CSA, BIPT, the Medienrat and the VRM, adopted the draft decisions regarding the analysis of the broadband Internet and television broadcasting markets. These market analyses have been notified to the European Commission, which has 30 days to take a position on these drafts.
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- FR: Download document "Notification par la CRC a la Commission européenne de projets de décision relatifs aux marches de l’internet à haut débit et de la radiodiffusion télévisuelle"
- NL: Download document "Notificatie door de CRC aan de Europese commissie van ontwerpbeslissingen betreffende de markten voor breedbandinternet en televisieomroep"