According to the information it has, BIPT notices that measurements were conducted by bpost in order to determine the level of its customers' satisfaction in 2015 and issues a favourable opinion on the realisation of the 2015 improvement plan and improvement measures considered for 2016. The satisfaction is better in comparison to 2014, improving from 86.5 to 87.5%.
This document is not available in your language. However, you can consult it in the following language: (FR, NL)
- FR: Download document "Avis du 30 novembre 2016 concernant le plan d’amélioration 2015 et le plan d’action 2016 suite à l’enquête de satisfaction de la clientèle 2015"
- NL: Download document "Advies van 30 november 2016 met betrekking tot het verbeteringsplan 2015 en het actieplan 2016 naar aanleiding van het klantentevredenheidsenquête 2015"