On 22 January 2019 BIPT will be starting a preliminary consultation on the Nethys draft reference offer for Bitstream coax and resell of television services.

In the decision of 29 June 2018 on the analysis of the broadband and television broadcasting markets BIPT imposed an obligation on Nethys to publish these new or adapted reference offers.

The term for the preliminary consultation on the reference offers is 4 weeks and ends on 19 February 2019.

This step should enable BIPT to receive a first reaction including possible remarks from beneficiaries and to determine whether based on the draft reference offer a formal decision about the draft with a consultation should be started.

Respondents should kindly make sure that the object of the response contains at least the following reference “CONSULT-2019-A5” and send this to consultation.sg@bipt.be.

Update 29/01/2019: annex 11 ‘SLA Pro’ added

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