We hereby invite you to react to the proposal formulated by Proximus on 12 June 2015 regarding the termination rates for calls initiated in countries that are not part of the European Union within the framework of the reference offers BRIO and BMRIO.

Moreover Proximus mentions that: “Tariff differentiation of incoming calls will be based on the 'A-number' principle. It means that the origin of the call will determine the applied tariffs. The origin is determined via the country code of the caller. In our proposal, the objective is to apply this principle regardless of the (transit) operator.” (free translation)

Reactions to the proposal covered by this mail are expected:

• by e-mail to consultation.sg@ibpt.be 

• by Thursday 30 July 2015 at the latest

• Please make sure that the subject mentions at least the reference 'CONSULT-2015-C4 / 15-750'

Please get in touch with your contact person at Proximus for any technical question on this proposal.

Martin Dorme (+32 2 226 87 06) will gladly answer your potential questions on this consultation.

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