The development of future 6G mobile technology is essential to further develop technological know-how in Belgium by supporting projects with an innovative component and basic research to help define the future standardisation of mobile networks.
In order to contribute to research on future mobile technologies, the federal government has allocated a budget of EUR 1.5 million to support research projects on future 6G mobile technologies.
This budget is part of the programme “Telecom to the next level – towards sustainable and innovative solutions” of the recovery and transition plan.
This document is not available in your language. However, you can consult it in the following language: (FR, NL)
- FR: Download document "Demande d’information (RFI) concernant le lancement d’un appel à projets visant à subventionner des projets de recherche sur la 6G"
- NL: Download document "Request for information (RFI) over de lancering van een oproep tot het indienen van projecten om 6G-onderzoeksprojecten te subsidiëren"