In the framework of the Council of Administration, BIPT chairs two Project groups. The first deals with the UPU’s reform and the second with the Acts of the UPU. The « Reform of the Union » PG focuses mainly on two aspects: the status of the Union as a specialised body of the United Nations and the organisation and financing of extra-budgetary UPU’s activities. The Council of Administration was put in charge of conducting a survey on the possibilities of adapting the UPU’s mission cited in the Preamble of the Constitution. The Project group has decided to focus on the UN-UPU agreement, which is the legal basis for determining the status of the UPU as a specialised body of the United Nations. In this context, BIPT has called upon the VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) to carry out a survey which would serve as a legal basis to its reflection and which would serve as a reference document to the whole world postal community.

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