• Rights and obligations

    In general, an operator must fulfil all the legal obligations as defined by the Act on electronic communications (ECA) and its implementation orders.
  • Directories/ information services

    The basic regulatory provisions on the directories are laid down in Article 45 of the Electronic Communications Act of 13 June 2005; the basic regulatory provisions on the enquiry services are laid down in Article 46 of the Electronic Communications Act of 13 June 2005.
  • Comparing offers for Internet and TV - Quality indicators

    What kind of helpdesk do I need? Where can I find relevant/useful information? Should the connection be available at all times? Beware: providers promise their best effort, but please check the quality announced and verify whether your provider undertakes to repair defects.
  • Jammers

    In Belgium, it is not allowed for private persons to use or possess jammers.
  • Drones

    In addition to those regarding radiocommunications, the use of drones is subject to other rules.
  • Prepaid cards

  • Emergency numbers and services

    The telecoms operator must Allow you to call, free of charge, the emergency numbers 100, 101 and 112. Please note that this also applies in some cases when you call via the internet, for example via Skype Out. If you use other types of Internet telephony, you must check if you can call these emergency numbers. Allow you to send faxes, free of charge, to the emergency numbers 100, 101 and 112; Check that your location is communicated when you call 100, 101 or 112, so that rescue services directly know from where you call.
  • Delivery

    The postal items are delivered at home or ‘poste restante’. A delivery ’poste restante’ is done at a charge, except for braille and assimilated postal items.
  • Tariffs of the universal service provider

    The universal service provider is subject to a number of tariff obligations. bpost has been initially designated by law as universal service provider until 31 December 2018. bpost continues to provide the universal service on the basis of a management contract concluded with the State for a period of five years, i.e. until 31 December 2023. These tariffs have to be affordable, cost-oriented, transparent, non-discriminatory and identical throughout the entire territory.
  • Health / Environment

    The control of the standard for antennas is the exclusive responsibility of the Regions; each Region has entrusted an administration with this control.
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