• Presentation of the WIK study "Review of the postal market three years after full market opening on 1 January 2011"

    Publications › Other -
    Please find enclosed the slides used during the presentation of the WIK study "Review of the postal market three years after full market opening on 1 January 2011" on 3 March 2015.
  • Report of the BIPT Council of 03/03/2015 on the control of the licence obligations of TBC-POST after one year

    Publications › Annual report -
    The Act of 21 March 1991 on the reform of certain economic public economies puts BIPT in charge of the publication of a yearly report on the respect of the obligations imposed on postal licence holders. BIPT has therefore controlled how TBC-POST fulfilled its licence obligations. This control showed that TBC-POST fulfils the obligations it is expected to fulfil after one year of activity.
  • WIK study « Review of the postal market three years after full market opening on 1 january 2011 »

    Publications › Consultation -
    Since 1 January 2011, the Belgian postal market has been fully opened to competition. In November 2014, BIPT, wishing to review the situation after three years of postal liberalisation, entrusted an external consultant, WIK-Consult GmbH, with the task of drawing up a report aiming at comparing the market situation before and after its liberalisation, assessing the impact of the opening to competition and identifying possible remaining barriers in the Belgian postal market. Based on the economic analysis of the Belgian postal market during the2011-2014 period as well as the analysis of the current regulatory framework, and comparing the Belgian results to those of other European countries, WIK draws a series of conclusions leading to recommendations. The analysis carried out by WIK as well as the ensuing conclusions and recommendations are included in the enclosed report 'Review of the postal market three years after full market opening on 1 January 2011'. It should be noted that the opinions and proposals expressed in this study are only those of the authors.
  • Decision of 26 February 2015 – WACC 2015

    Dossier -
    This decision establishes the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) used in the tariff decisions taken by BIPT as of 1 May 2015.
  • WACC 2. Profile, Gearing, Notional discount, Rating

    Publications › Decision -
    WACC 2. Profile, Gearing, Notional discount, Rating
  • WACC 3. Equity, Debt Asset Beta, Lamba

    Publications › Decision -
    WACC 3. Equity, Debt Asset Beta, Lamba
  • WACC 4. WACC Conclusion

    Publications › Decision -
    WACC 4. WACC Conclusion
  • Communication of the BIPT Council of 27 February 2015 on a call for candidates wishing to obtain user rights for the 3410-3500/3510-3600 MHz frequency bands

    Publications › Communication -
    Communication of the BIPT Council of 27 February 2015 on a call for candidates wishing to obtain user rights for the 3410-3500/3510-3600 MHz frequency bands
  • Decision of 26 February 2015 regarding the cost of capital for operators with significant market power in Belgium

    Publications › Decision -
    This decision concerns the determination of the weighted cost of capital (WACC) to be used in the computation of cost oriented prices. The WACC values will be used in several upcoming tariff decisions, e.g. in the incumbent Belgacom’s upcoming reference offers: BRIO (interconnection); BRUO (unbundled access); BROBA and WBA VDSL2 (bitstream access); BROTSoLL (leased lines). Moreover, this WACC will also be used in the calculation of the maximum fixed and mobile termination rates for the SMP operators designated in the upcoming market reviews concerning markets 1(2014) and 2(2014). The draft decision contains an annex on new values of cost oriented services as well. More precisely, this chapter modifies the prices of: Ethernet transport fixed part: BROBA ADSL/ADSL2+/ReADSL with voice; BROBA ADSL/ADSL2+/ReADSL without voice; BROBA SDSL; WBA VDSL2 with voice; WBA VDSL2 without voice. Ethernet transport variable part: Shared VLAN & Dedicated VLAN; BROBA Shared VLAN & Dedicated VLAN; WBA VDSL2 Shared VLAN & Dedicated VLAN. Wholesale multicast: Monthly Multicast Recurring Fee per User Line; Monthly Shared TV Channel Recurring Fee; Monthly Ordered Dedicated Capacity Recurring Fee. These new tariffs for Ethernet and multicast will enter into force on 1 May 2015.
  • WACC 1. Intro, Rf, Cd, ERP, CRP, Rnot

    Publications › Decision -
    WACC 1. Intro, Rf, Cd, ERP, CRP, Rnot
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