• Radio spectrum auction ultimately yields more than 1.4 billion euro

    Publications › Press release -
    Brussels, 20 July 2022 – Today, the BIPT concluded the final phase of the radio spectrum auction. Following the conclusion of the first phase of the auction of the new 5G spectrum (700 MHz, 3600 MHz) and the existing 2G and 3G radio spectrum (900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz) on 20 June 2022 producing 1.2 billion euro, the BIPT has now also concluded the second and final phase of the auction (1400 MHz radio frequency band). In this frequency band another 90 MHz was auctioned. This auction yielded 216.540.000 euro bringing the total amount for the two auction phases to 1.418.732.400 euro.
  • Action for annulment of 25 May 2022 lodged by Telenet - Rights of use for 2G, 3G and 5G

    Publications › Dispute -
    Telenet seeks the annulment of the communication of the BIPT to the candidate whose fictitious identity is Laplace.
  • Survey of the roll-out plans of VHC networks in the German-speaking Community

    News -
    Survey of FTTH projects in the German-speaking Community.
  • Satellite earth stations_Specifications

    Satellite earth stations
  • Affordability of the fixed telecom services within the framework of the provision of the universal service

    Publications › Other -
    Affordability and accessibility of fixed services (internet and telephone) for low-income persons
  • The BIPT notices the positive impact of market regulation

    Publications › Press release -
    While a lack of competition was noticed in 2018, the BIPT notices that the regulation implemented these past years is paying off without affecting investment in the new generation networks. The competitive dynamic has been restarted, consumers have access to a larger range of offers and get more value for their money when they buy convergent bundles (i.e. including fixed and mobile services). For an identical consumption profile consumers can find cheaper options today than in 2018. However, the evolution is less beneficial for non-convergent solutions (i.e. only including fixed telecom services); the amount to pay for such solutions has increased compared with 2018 while their content has not changed much. Moreover, Belgium remains expensive when compared with its neighbouring countries.
  • Communication of 16 July 2022 on the evolution of the broadband and television markets since Q1 2018

    Publications › Communication -
    How have the retail broadband and TV markets evolved in Belgium since the adoption on 29 June 2018 by the CRC (“Conference of regulators in the electronic communications sector”) of the new regulatory framework governing them?
  • Call for projects - 5G pilots

    News -
    The FPS Economy, assisted by the BIPT, launches a call for 5G pilot projects to encourage the creation of new initiatives.
  • Decisions on the broadband access and broadcasting on the cable networks

    The decisions listed in this section have been adopted in order to specify the obligations of cable-operators regarding the broadband access and broadcasting.
  • Overview broadband and broadcasting

    The field of broadband and broadcasting includes the following markets: The unbundling of the local loop, allowing the offer of electronic communications services by using the copper pair connecting users to the local exchanges of Proximus. The bitstream access, allowing the offer of electronic communications services from a central access point, via the network of Proximus or the network of the cable operators. The television broadcasting, allowing to distribute audiovisual services (for example television channels) via the network of the cable operators.
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