• Draft decision on Proximus's IP interconnection reference offer

    Publications › Consultation -
    On 1 February 2019, Proximus sent BIPT a reference offer for IP interconnection, called "PRIO”. BIPT organised a pre-consultation on the reference offer from 20 February to 13 March 2019. This draft decision aims at evaluating the reference offer as received from Proximus and formulating the changes deemed necessary by BIPT, according to the goals of the regulatory framework. Response to the consultation are expected by 30 September 2019 at the latest at consultation.sg@bipt.be, with the reference “CONSULT-2019-D3” in the subject. Responses must clearly indicate the confidential information. BIPT also requests that the comments made refer to the paragraphs and/or parts they concern. Contact person : Christophe.Vermeulen@ibpt.be.
  • Consultation at the request of the BIPT Council of the 9th August 2019 about the draft decision on the extension of the supply of 0800 numbers

    Publications › Consultation -
    Given BIPT’s concerns regarding the available supply of 0800 numbers, the Institute as the administrator of the numbering plan took the initiative to organise a public consultation on the extension of the supply of 0800 numbers, which took place from 26 March to 8 May 2019. The consultation document describes eight possible options to solve the shortage problem. Via the reactions to this consultation, BIPT obtained the feedback of all the stakeholders concerning the various options as well as numerous useful observations to present the most optimal solution to the market. This shall be materialised by the draft decision that is also submitted to the market for consultation. Deadline for the reactions to this consultation: 11th October 2019
  • BIPT Council Decision of 29 July 2019 regarding the areas where the reduction in the amount of the fees relating to the user rights for radio-relay links applies

    Publications › Decision -
    The Royal Decree of 02 June 2019 amends the Royal Decree of 18 December 2009 on private radio communications and user rights for fixed networks and trunked networks. The amendments introduced by that Royal Decree aim to lower by 80% and for a 10-year period the amount of the annual fees relating to the user rights for radio-relay links in those areas of the country where an extra incentive is needed to provide households and companies with a large-band connection. The Royal Decree lays down that BIPT has to determine and publish at least every two years the exact extent of those areas. This Decision lists these areas.
  • Fraudulent text messages & calls

    The purpose of a fraudulent SMS or call is, via a vague message or a dropped call, to have you call a premium rate number in Belgium or abroad. If you do not know the number, check its structure before calling it back or do not call back. Be careful!
  • Complaints

    You should direct your questions according to the nature of the problem you are experiencing.
  • Connection

    Currently, there is no designated geographic universal service provider. Connection to a fixed network is generally charged.
  • Legal obligations of providers of audiovisual media services and supervision by the BIPT

    As the audiovisual media regulator with federal powers in the Brussels-Capital Region, BIPT carries out different checks of the audiovisual media services it authorised, by virtue of the Act of 5 May 2017.
  • Legal obligations of providers of video-sharing platform services and supervision by the BIPT

    As the audiovisual media regulator with federal powers in the Brussels-Capital Region, BIPT carries out different checks of the audiovisual media services it authorised, by virtue of the Act of 5 May 2017.
  • Decisions relating to the audiovisual sector in the Brussels-Capital Region

    As the audiovisual media regulator with federal powers in the Brussels-Capital Region, BIPT carries out different checks of the programmes it authorised, by virtue of the Act of 5 May 2017. Within the scope of its competences, BIPT has taken several decisions.
  • Reporting

    For the convenience of the parties concerned, BIPT makes available to the future audiovisual media service providers a declaration form.
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